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Most of our students stay on into the Sixth Form and a number join from other schools. There are regular assessments of progress, and the Sixth Form tutors and the Head of Sixth Form work closely with the students during their Sixth Form career.

Sixth Formers are encouraged to take a degree of responsibility not only for themselves and their studies but also for their environment and for extra-curricular activities. There are many opportunities to take responsibility and contribute to the community - Captains of School, School Prefects, Area Prefects, Library Prefects, Careers Room Prefects, ICT Prefects, Buddies to Y7 and Y8, Sixth Form Committee, Charity Committee, Manwoodian magazine editorial Committee, Young Enterprise, Debating Society etc.

“As a newcomer, I was really nervous on the first day of term, but everyone was very friendly in my tutor group. After the first week my new friends persuaded me to put my name forward for the Gambia trip organised for the Sixth Former's later on in the year.” (Sixth Former's Comment)

Prefects are appointed from the Lower Sixth to replace those who are in the final stages of their A-Level courses, and the School Captains and Vice-Captains chair the Sixth Form Committee which reports to the Head of Sixth Form and to the Headteacher.

Sixth Form students (and their parents) receive a lot of information and support with regard to their university applications and future career aspirations. All lower sixth students attend the Universities Fayre held annually in Canterbury. The school organises a number of events in-house for both parents and students about university entry, finance, Oxbridge, interviews, different careers etc with outside speakers. Some also do additional work placements during their time in the Sixth Form.

There is a school uniform which must be worn for the first five years, but Sixth Form pupils are allowed to choose their dress within broad guidelines intended to encourage a professional approach to their studies. Additional information can be found in the Sixth Form Prospectus.

“It’s nice that during the Induction days in July of the GCSE year, you get to meet the people that will be in your tutor group in September. The team building task was really good fun, we all got really dirty and wet but it was so much fun. Everyone had to join in!" (Sixth Former's Comments)