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"Once a Manwoodian always a Manwoodian."

Back in November 2022, in the Headmasters study, Lee Hunter, David Stevens and Keith Simpson sat down to discuss amongst many things who were Manwood’s notables.
Wikipedia had identified 23 names but Messrs Hunter, Stevens and Simpson were not
convinced and thought that number was way too low.
In addition, David Anderson (a current member of staff) recalled taking a group of students to Harvey Grammar a few years back. His students, spotted posters there and were really struck by them and asked him why we didn't have something similar. He asked them why they thought that it was important and it came down to two things:

1) a pride in their school

2) aspiration.

So Manwood’s Wall of Fame (“The Wall”) was born. The aim of The Wall is to enthuse current Manwoodian students by highlighting successful Alumni. Potential candidates are identified and each year six will have their achievements publicised by a poster on the wall of the School Hall. Ours is a school that prepares you for great things (whatever you personally choose to do). So, the impetus for doing this originated with the students, which is quite a nice message to share.

16 November 2022 - The Wall/Notables List was created and 23 names identified.
25 November 2022 - The Notables List was shared with The Quest and the numbers rose
to 28.
13 February 2023 - The First Six Wall nominations were selected.
26 February 2023 - The Manwood’s Notable Alumni version 1 was shared with the OM
Facebook Group and the list increased to 50.
2 March 2023 - The Headmaster started contacting the first six.
5 March 2023 - The Manwood’s Notable Alumni version 2 was shared with the OM
Facebook Group and the list had increased to 75.
July 1, 2023 - at the Alumni Open Day the A3 posters of the first six were unveiled to the
September 2023 - The first six posters were unveiled on the School Hall Wall - The Wall

The Notable Manwood’s Alumni list now stands at 99 names (as at May 2024). The second six are currently being discussed for launching in September 2024.