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Students have benefited greatly over the years from the voluntary contributions and donations of parents, alumni and other friends of the school. Over the years, such contributions have enabled us to refurbish the library and other areas around the school, buy and run school minibuses, help pay the associated costs of our extensive sports fixtures, and provide subjects with equipment and resources they would otherwise not be able to afford.

The following link is for fundraising at Sir Roger Manwood's

There are various ways to make a donation.

1. Regular, Small Donations

Funding schools receive from government has been severely cut in recent years at a time when overheads have been increasing significantly. To continue to provide our wide range of subjects, and our extensive extra-curricular offer, we ask parents to make a contribution of £10 per month, or £120 per year. We realise that not all parents will be in a position to afford this, but anything that can be afforded is gratefully received – and we guarantee that every penny goes directly to the school for the benefit of its students.

Ideally, we would like contributors to set up a Standing Order (note NOT a direct debit) so as to enable us to have a regular and guaranteed source of income, which will allow us to plan for the future.

Contact our Finance department.

If you are a UK tax payer we would ask that you also sign and return the Gift Aid form, that can be found at the bottom of this page.  Gift Aid allows UK taxpayers to boost the value of their donations by 25p for every £1 which means that for every £10 donated the school will actually receive £12.50 as it can claim the additional £2.50 back from HMRC. The declaration you sign can apply to all donations that you make in the future so you need only sign once. Higher rate tax payers are also able to benefit from tax relief on their donation.

2. One Off Major Donations

A full size Astroturf pitch will be opening in Mid-November 2023.  Our next major project will be the refurbishment of The Grange into a Sixth Form Centre with classrooms for 2 or 3 subjects.  The fundraising campaign for that major project will begin in September 2023.  Watch this space!

3. Making a gift and leaving a legacy

Some individuals (alumni and many others with connections to the school) have left legacies to the School by making a bequest.

Over the years, the generosity of many individuals has benefited, and will continue to benefit, the School and its students throughout their school life and beyond.

Such legacies are free of inheritance tax because of the charitable status of the School. Making such a bequest is an alternative to paying 40 per cent tax on that sum, ensuring the School benefits rather than H M Revenue & Customs.

From 6th April 2012, any estate which includes a gift of at least 10% to a charitable cause will be liable to inheritance tax at 36% not 40%.

Anyone thinking of leaving a legacy to Sir Roger Manwood's School should consider seeking advice. Below we have set out some general guidance to assist anyone in considering the form that gift might take.

There are several types of legacy, including

A pecuniary bequest            a benefactor in their Will leaves a specific amount to the charity.

                                                 Example wording

                                                “I give to Sir Roger Manwood's School (registered charity number XT32063) free of tax the sum

                                                of £ (sum in words) absolutely.”

A residuary bequest             a benefactor in the Will leaves a percentage of their estate to the charity. This

                                                protects the real value of the gift from the effects of inflation.

                                                Example wording

                                               “I give % of the residue of my real and personal estate which I can dispose of by

                                                Will in any manner I think proper to Sir Roger Manwood's School (registered charity number


A specific bequest               a benefactor in their Will leaves a specific asset to the charity. This might include

                                               shares, jewellery, works of art, antiques, and land.

                                                Example wording

                                               “I give the following free of tax to Sir Roger Manwood's School (registered charity number

                                               XT32063) absolutely

                                                i)  my (insert details of chattel or other asset)
                                                ii) my (insert details of chattel or other asset)

A reversionary bequest       a benefactor leaves their estate in trust for the benefit of their spouse or

                                                children. The estate “reverts” to our charity after their death.

Anyone making gifts to charity might want to consider inserting the following clauses into their will

Amalgamation, amendment or dissolution of charities

If before my death any charity benefiting under this will (or any codicil to it) shall have been amalgamated with any other charity or has changed its name or constitution, the benefit intended to be given to such charity shall nevertheless be paid or applied to the charity with which it has been amalgamated, or which has changed its name or constitution.

If before my death any charity benefiting under this will (or any codicil to it) shall have ceased to exist or be in liquidation, the benefit intended to be given to such charity shall be paid or applied to such charity or charities or for such charitable purposes as my Trustees think fit and I request without imposing any trust or obligation that my Trustees seek to benefit a charity or charities as close as possible in purpose to those of the charity intended to benefit originally.

Receipt for charitable payments

Whenever my Trustees have an obligation or discretion to pay or transfer funds to a charity or to an unincorporated body of persons, they may discharge that obligation or exercise that discretion by paying or transferring the funds in question to any person who appears to be the treasurer or other proper officer of such charity or body. The receipt of that person shall be a good and sufficient discharge, and after they have obtained a receipt from that person my Trustees shall not be obliged to see to any further application of the funds in question.